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Making Your Peaks Last LongerLife has its peaks and its valleys. The key to a good life is having long peaks and short valleys. Sometimes we just get hit with some bad news.
Keep Communication SimplePutting forth the effort to keep our communication simple, clear and direct at work actually makes our work easier for our patients and us.
Total Transformation: Moving from Stuck to SuccessfulRem shares the incredible successes Dr. Leland Gilmore has seen in just a year and a half of making changes for the better to his practice.
Don’t Let a Few Bad Patients Ruin Your DayDon’t let a few isolated cases ruin your day. Focus on all the patients who really appreciate your hard work.
The Big Question: Is Top Practices Right for ME?Plenty of podiatrists look at Top Practices and wonder if it's really right for them. Rem Jackson answers this common question in depth!
Change and Improvement Is Accomplished One Small Step at a TimeIf you want to motivate yourself and your staff to continue to make changes and improvements to the practice you need to celebrate the small wins along the way.
Looking for a Speaker for Your Podiatry Event?All successful podiatry events feature great speakers. If you're looking for a great speaker with loads of practical strategies and more, Rem is your man!
Enjoy the Process!Which comes first, happiness or achieving a goal? When you are happy, you allow your creative side to open up. You are excited to work towards your goals.
Low Employee MoraleIf your staff never seems to be very happy to see the patients or each other for that fact, you might be suffering from "Low Employee Morale.”
Beyond a How-To Book – A Practice Management TestimonialPractice management is a crucial part of a well-run practice, but you don't have to muddle through alone! Dr. Levine shares his experience with the VPMI.
Shame on MeRem Jackson learned that a long-standing member didn't know about the marketing and practice management services we offer, so he sets the record straight.
The Happy FactorIf you ask any employee what type of environment they want to work in one of the top answers will be “Happy.”
Don't Get Ignored Online: Keys to Mastering the InternetThe internet is a powerful marketing tool, but use it wrong and you'll just get ignored. Rem discusses three keys to mastering online marketing.
A Podiatry Christmas CarolRem Jackson shares a holiday tale about Dr. Scrooge and what he learns from three Christmas ghosts determined to show him a better way to practice.
What is Leadership?Leadership is influence: nothing more, nothing less. Increasing your influence will increase your leadership.
The Difference: Winners Invest in Time and ToolsThere is a difference between podiatrists who do great, and those who merely get by. Rem Jackson discusses how time and tools can make that difference.
Fill Your Waiting Room with Patients You Want to SeeA growing practice has a full reception room with the right number of new patients every month. Rem Jackson explains the right number and how to get them.
Why Dr. Thomajan Has Been a Member for 8 YearsOver the last 8 years as a member, Dr. Craig Thomajan has been some fantastic practice growth. Rem Jackson highlights this successful member.
The Difference: Winners PlanSome podiatrists are massively successful. What makes them different? Rem Jackson discusses the simple ways doctors can "win" in their practices.
The Law of GratitudeNo matter what is happening in your life, you can find something you are grateful for.