Life has its peaks and its valleys.  The key to a good life is having long peaks and short valleys. Sometimes we just get hit with some bad news and we immediately fall from the peak into the depths of a valley. 

If everything was perfect then nothing would be special.  If you live in New York City, you might never have been to the Statue of Liberty, because it is always there, and we can go see it anytime.  However, for an out of town guest, seeing this amazing statue could seem like something special.  We take certain things in our lives for not always appreciate the little things in life and tend to sometimes focus on what we do not have versus what is right in front of us.

So, strangely enough, we need to appreciate the valleys of our lives as well.  It is in these times that we become stronger.  It is the pressure of being in a valley that allows us to think of new ideas and solutions to life’s problems.  Why would we think of these solutions if we didn’t have a problem?  The only way a beautiful and valuable diamond can be made is with pressure.  Pressure causes a force within ourselves to make our lives more beautiful. 

Spencer Johnson, in his book, “Peaks and Valleys,” described how to stay on a peak longer and how to get to your next peak.  When you are in a peak, he says, you need to be humble and grateful.  Do more of what got you there and keep making things better.  In your practice, when things are going well, figure out what caused it, and continue to do more of the same. 

Now, if you are in a valley, Johnson said, “relax, knowing that valleys end, and do the opposite of what put you in this position.”  He goes on saying, “be of more service at work, and more loving in life.”  Do not compare yourself to others and figure out what is actually good about what is going on in your life right now. 

In essence, be aware of what is going on.  Find out why things are going well and why they sometimes don’t.  Live with intention.  Life doesn’t just happen, it is what you do to make it happen.   

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