Practice Management Institute Introduction
It’s time to evaluate your practice and take it to the next level. In this introductory session, members of the Practice Management Institute will learn how the program is structured and how to access all of the resources in the program. With our Practice Management program, you can have the practice you have always envisioned.
Practice Enhancement
In this module, we will explore and define how to enhance your practice and make it the dream practice that you have always envisioned. Sections will cover how to design your dream practice, how to use SWOT to analyze your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, and how to use your Global Practice Systems as a GPS to guide your practice.
Creating Your Team
This second module of Practice Management Institute will review the various aspects of creating a great work team. In this module, you will learn how to design an employee manual, how to assess the practice’s staffing needs, tips on how to hire the right employees for your office, and how to successfully on-board a new employee.
Staff Training
Staff training consists of continuing education. In this module, we will discuss the usage of staff job descriptions, managing risk well, keeping training protocols up-to-date, and the importance of cross training for high office efficiency.
Staff and Office Efficiencies
How can you make sure that your office is running efficiently? In this module, we will discuss the office procedural manual that includes both front and back office duties, while maintaining managing simple systems and evaluating potential bottlenecks in the practice and resolving them.
Great Patient Service
Great patient service includes effective communication (“speak to be understood”), the art of active listening (“a skill that must be developed”) and daily internal marketing in the office (“it’s not selling; it is providing your patients with excellent patient care”.
Effective Time Flow in the Office
Have you ever heard a fellow staff member say, “I just didn’t have time to do that”? In this module, we will work on understanding a realistic view of time flow in the office. This includes setting up a schedule that is manageable, efficient, and helps you reach your goals.
Charting and Billing
In this module, we will dive into proper procedural coding that includes creating bulletproof notes, clean claims, and timely filing.
A/R and Collections
It’s time to take a close look at your contractual agreements in this module! You will also learn how to establish collection protocols, gain a thorough knowledge of the appeal process and understand your Accounts Receivable numbers.
Understanding Patient Needs, Cares and Wants
A great practice is defined by being able to understand what your patient needs. In this module, patient surveys, patient problems, and patient loyalty are discussed.
Management Personnel
Effective team work is one of the most important aspects of a well-functioning office. The position of Team Leader/ Manager is multifaceted and requires excellent leadership skills. This module will cover the necessary skills to become a great leader/manager that staff members will want and enjoy working with.
High Impact Communication
High Impact Communication can affect everything from your patient’s acceptance and adherence to your recommendations, to their likelihood of suing for unexpected outcomes. A thorough and practical understanding of these skills of persuasion and rapport- building will ultimately lead to better patient satisfaction, improved clinical outcomes, as well as less medico-legal risks.
Team Building
Want to be a part of an “A Team”? Well, in this module, you can lay the foundation to have a successful team. We will also address potential barriers to team success and how to measure your team’s performance.
Inventory and Supply Management
When it comes to supplies, let’s be realistic: it can be difficult to keep track of everything. In this module, we will discuss how to make a realistic overview of what supplies the practice really needs. Along with this, you will learn how to set up an inventory purchase and control system.
Fundamentals of Employment Law
In this module, we explore the different aspects of employment law, including what should and should not be in your employee handbook, employment records, and employment disputes.
How to Achieve Solvency
A practice is only successful if it is profitable. You might be great at treating patients and you might even see a lot of patients, but the key at the end of the day is to be in the black. This module is all about having a thriving and profitable business.
Quality Patient Care
The success of your practice depends on your outcomes. This module is all about giving the patients what they need in order to get the results they want. It is about getting them better faster while giving them legendary patient service. This leads to more referrals, and after all, who does not want more referrals?