Rem Jackson

Rem Jackson

CEO & Founder
Connect with me
  • Top Practices
  • 12237 Lost Treasure Ave. Las Vegas, NV
  • 717.626.2025

Rem Jackson is the CEO and Founder of Top Practices. Since 2007, Top Practices has enabled hundreds of doctors to market and grow their practices to achieve the productivity and profitability that they want through its premier coaching program, the Top Practices Mastermind Group. Top Practices works shoulder-to-shoulder with its members to empower them to achieve their goals. In addition, the Top Practices Virtual Practice Management Institute coaches practice staff so that they can handle the increased volume that excellent marketing produces. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Podiatric Practice Management (AAPPM) and the recipient of the AAPPM President’s Award for 2012 for his significant contributions to podiatry. He is a regular speaker at AAPPM meetings since 2006. Rem was inducted into the PM Podiatry Hall of Fame in 2019. Learn more about Top Practices at

Professional Experience

Rem has been guiding professionals and business leaders as a coach and trainer for over 25 years. He was a member of the leadership team that founded Classroom Connect, a high-tech company dedicated to helping K-12 educators integrate technology into their instruction. He contributed to the sale of Classroom Connect to Reed-Elsevier in 2001, and continued to serve as Vice President of Professional Development. At Classroom Connect, he led the development of seminars, conferences, custom professional development programs, and Web-based training. The programs he developed have been experienced by over 120,000 educators, businesspeople, and government leaders in North America and Asia.

He is the author of “Podiatry Prosperity: How to Market, Manage, and Love Your Practice” and hosts the popular podcast “Prosperity & Something Greater”.

More About Rem

Rem’s extensive experience in sales, marketing, and senior management in the areas of education, health care, and industry uniquely qualify him to lead the development and implementation of Top Practices’ proprietary products and services. Rem has keynoted over 45 state and national conferences and appeared on television in Singapore, New Zealand, and on the San Francisco Bay Area program “Silicon Spin,” discussing technology and its appropriate uses in instruction and professional development. His ability to guide participants through challenging content in an interesting and informative style has contributed to his national reputation as an entertaining, informative, and dynamic speaker. Rem Jackson is available for a limited number of speaking engagements. Please contact [email protected] for more information.