Tom Foster:
Everybody that listens to this podcast knows that I rant about people not taking advantage of their list, still, still not doing that and it is the most important thing to do. And that's coming from a guy that makes websites and makes money off SEO and all that stuff but I still say even our own, even though we are number one for who knows hundreds and hundreds of keywords. That's not where our best, best client comes from. The best client or patient comes through referral. And by repeat business, especially for a doctor. And, you know, especially because they're going to have other elements they're going to have other issues. People buy from people they like, but we also have short memory. And so unless you are reminding your patients over and over again without being annoying: Here I am, if you have the heel pain if you, you know, whatever you have going on or loved one, come on in and see us again. Unless you're doing that they're going to go to the internet and do searches, or they're going to ask a friend, or they're going to be seduced by a competitor. Right?
Rem Jackson:
Tom Foster:
And it's one of the easiest things to do is just communicate to your list.
Rem Jackson:
I know, it's so easy. And little videos, little short videos that just go out and talk about a particular little question, or and it just, you just stay in there with them because they will forget your... I mean most of the doctors know this. People will come in to them and they will have seen that they've had surgery done on them. And they'll say like, well who did your surgery? And they'll say, so and so. And then the doctor says...
Tom Foster:
Or they don't remember.
Rem Jackson:
Yeah. I'm sorry, they don't remember the name of the person, right. After about eight months, they don't remember anybody's names, including yours, unless you just continue to nurture that relationship. One of my, one of my mentors, a man named Ed Stubb, who taught me so much said the three most important words in marketing and sales are nurture, nurture, nurture.
Tom Foster:
Rem Jackson:
And that's, that's the number one asset in my doctors' practices is their list except for themselves and their well-trained staff. It's their list.
Tom Foster:
That's it. Themselves and their list.
Rem Jackson:
That's it.
Tom Foster:
It's not, it's not annoy, annoy, annoy. It's nurture, nurture, nurture. So we're not saying, you know, send an email newsletter every day or like say, you know, podiatry practice newsletter, volume 86. Nobody wants to, wants to read that. But just like you said, the number one ailment is his heel pain. And you could send the same person, heel pain email 30 times over the course of a year. They ignore it until they actually have heel pain. And that's where you need to be. Right? You need to be in their head when they're thinking about it.
Rem Jackson:
It's always changing. It's always changing, especially with medical conditions, because you didn't have the problem yesterday, you have it today.
Tom Foster:
Right? Or they have somebody that comes up to them and says, Do you know a good doctor? I'm like, I feel like I got glass in my foot.
Rem Jackson:
Tom Foster:
And you send them an email. Yeah, exactly. And it's, you know, obviously there's a lot of nuance to this, you know that we don't have time to get into the messaging and good copy. But...
Rem Jackson:
There's a way to do it, but you have to do it.