Hi, everybody, Rem Jackson. I want to talk to you today about knowing your numbers. You know, at Top Practices we teach our members really specific numbers that you need to track on a monthly basis. Things like: 

How many new patients you're getting?

How many total patients?

What are you billing?

What are you collecting?

Many, many other numbers that really matter and can be leverage points for you as you try to drive your practice numbers up.

But a whole another set of numbers that you need to know, are what's going on with your marketing. Both your digital marketing and all the analytics and reports and conversions that you can see. That's the great thing about online marketing is that you can see the activity because it's tracked by all the different systems. 

But not only that, the number of doctor referrals, both medical and non-medical referrals, that are coming into you. What's happening with your word of mouth and your patients, and on and on. 

When you know your numbers, you can make changes, adjustments both positive and negative, so that you can figure out what we need to do to drive those numbers up and we do that using Top Practices special system, the Four Pillars of Marketing.

Give us a call, send us an e-mail if you have any questions. Stop by the website. I'd love to have you join us so that we can help you take your numbers where they need to go, so that your income number can be exactly what you want.

We're dedicated to your success at Top Practices. Have a great day and I'll talk to you soon.


Rem Jackson
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Founder and CEO of Top Practices, LLC