Hi everyone, Rem Jackson here. Now I know that you've been thinking about and checking out our courses, our professional development courses, Tina Del Buono's course on How to Take Charge of Your Practice and Run it Simply, Smartly, and Successfully, and Dr. Peter Wishnie's course, The Seven Secrets to Getting Your Nights and Your Weekends Back because you'd get your leadership and your management all straightened out. You can work really well with your team.

I have a question for you: You haven't pulled the trigger yet and given it a try and I wonder why not? What's holding you back? Can you imagine that if you actually did solve your management issues, if you pulled your staff together, you communicated much more effectively, you got the things done that needed to be done, and everybody left actually borderline refreshed at the end of the night. You did not take your work home with you, your charts, anything like that and your weekends. You didn't even give it a second thought. Can you imagine what that would be like? That is possible. That is exactly what is addressed in these courses.

So, question for you: If not now, when? If you're going to get around to working on your practice management when? And why not now? Imagine if you were three months from now, 50 percent better than you are now, and a year from now you're 100 percent better. How good would that feel?

So again, we've taken all the risk out of it. If you take a course, you say, you know what, this isn't really what I wanted. Again, we will give your money back. We're that confident that you're going to love this course. So, click on the link below. Give us one more look and ask yourself this question: If not now, when? We're dedicated to your success at Top Practices. Take a look. Let's see if this is exactly what you need. Thank you.


Rem Jackson
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Founder and CEO of Top Practices, LLC