Hi everyone, this is Rem Jackson, the CEO of Top Practices and I want to talk to you for just a moment about how absolutely difficult and tough it is to be in business. You know, that's in general. It's tough to be in business. It's very, very rewarding, but it is not easy and it is a thankless job many, many times. And it can begin to wear and it can begin to grind on you unless you have the business skills that can help you solve the problems that can easily be solved if you just knew how and this is the problem that most podiatrists have. And I just want to share a story with you now about one of our Top Practices members, Dr. Leland Gilmore from Alexandria, Virginia, and just give you a sense for where he was two years ago and where he is now. To give you a little glimpse inside what could happen if you actually took the principles that we teach and we work with you on in Top Practices and help you do. So, listen to Dr. Gilmore.
"Working with Top Practices has basically changed our life in podiatry. When we first began working with Rem, we had reached the depression component that's involved with podiatry where you don't want to do it anymore. You're looking for other alternatives. You're looking to get out of podiatry considering selling the practice. So, we were at pretty much a low point in podiatry practice. I think some of the first things that Top Practices brought to us was a positive mental attitude about the profession and how we could actually improve financially, which was our biggest issue at the period of time when we went with Top Practices. Top Practices has taught us how to more effectively market to the point that we were having in one of our offices, a hard time filling our schedule. The other office was fairly full, but we now have a six to eight week backup list to see us.
We've gone from a practice it was making about from a gross income where we were struggling with two offices, we were making about $500,000 a year with the help of Top Practices. We with one practitioner. That's right. Just me right now. We are now just a little above 1.3 million and that's been all within a year and a half. And our goal for this year, after we finished our 12-week planning meeting, our goal for this year is 1.65 million. I think we'll probably be able to achieve that earlier than our goal based on where we are with our business plan now.
One of the things that's very impressive about Rem and all of the other colleagues within Top Practices is that they're very busy people. Rem is very busy. Tina is very busy. Peter is very busy, but they make it seem like you're the only client there. They make time for you. Where you would think you'd have to get on a schedule and be seen in five or six weeks. Nope. They make time for you. They even do it like the next day or even that day sometimes. For people to be that busy and to be accessible, it's extremely impressive."
And that's just one Top Practices story. There are literally several hundred more. What's your story? How could you have something like that happen in your practice? If you want to know, then simply contact us at the phone number on the screen, or send us an email, or come visit the website. You can talk to me, we can discuss your practice and let's see where we could take this in the future so that you can have the kind of story that Dr. Gilmore has.
Thanks very much. Good luck. And here at Top Practices, we are dedicated to your success. Have a great day.