Tom Foster:
You're consistent and you're authentic in everything that you do, you know. And shiny new comes and goes, you know the magic, right. And you're laughing over there because you know.
Rem Jackson:
I don't do it.
Tom Foster:
Right. It's it's...
Rem Jackson:
I remember you and I were at a meeting. And it was you and me and Ben and Bob Battle bunch of guys. And Nido Qubein was the guy. He's so awesome and he was selling some big package. And I looked down the row and every single one of you were buying and I thought, "Well, I got eight friends that own it. So, I'm good." Now, shiny bright object syndrome. That is something I'm cured from. Yeah, I really have a focus. My focus is to serve my Top Practices members, and help them do what they want to do so that they can now exit their practices. I just, I was just down in Florida with one of our younger doctors, you know, two years in practice, and it's just so much fun to see. You know, can you imagine being that young, and to have access to all this, this kind of marketing, this kind of management, and this kind of mindset. You know, a lot of people say, I wish I'd done this 20 years ago or what have you. So, it's fun to be with them in all the different stages they're in.
Tom Foster:
So, what do you say to those people that say, "I wish I'd done this 20 years ago"?
Rem Jackson:
Well, that would have been the best time to do it. The second best time is now.
Tom Foster: