Have you ever heard someone tell you, “You don’t need to reinvent the wheel”? It doesn’t literally mean you’re inventing a wheel, of course, but that you don’t have to repeat someone else’s hard work blazing a trail if the trail is already there. There’s just no point. It’s a waste of effort and, when it comes to marketing a podiatry practice, it gets unnecessarily expensive. It’s much better to learn from others’ mistakes.
Unfortunately, when you’re running a podiatry practice without support from others or the benefit of years of experience in marketing and management, there’s a lot of wheel reinventing. You end up running the trial-and-error method in your marketing—or, as a lawyer friend of mine calls it, “Monkey See, Monkey Do” marketing. This means you take a look at whatever everyone else is doing and copy it. If they’re all doing it, it must work, right?
No, that’s not necessarily true in the least.
There’s a much better and more effective way of marketing your medical practice. Learning from other practices’ past mistakes allows you to avoid repeating them and to jump right to the strategies and techniques that actually work. This is because success leaves “footprints” that you can follow through the minefield of marketing.
But what does that look like practically? It’s fine to talk about learning from others’ mistakes instead of repeating them, but how do you, doctor, actually do that? This means participating in a Mastermind group. That’s why the Mastermind group format at the center of Top Practices. It allows doctors to figure out what works and share their ideas so you’re all are able to grow. That way, podiatry professionals from all stages of their careers are able to benefit from the creativity and experiences of many others.
We’ve seen this work for many, many doctors not only in the United States, but around the world. If you’d like to learn more about the Mastermind group and how it can help you grow your practice, just let us know. We’re happy to tell you more about it and help you apply. Just call (717) 725-2679, e-mail [email protected], or click on the link to the application.