Too many podiatrists are very frustrated with their practices because they are struggling to manage and market the practice. They are falling further and further behind and don’t have the tools to end this cycle of frustration.
Not so for Top Practices Members. The Top Practices Mastermind Group is the reason they are succeeding.
OK, What is a Mastermind Group Anyway?
The concept of a Mastermind group isn’t original to Top Practices. Napoleon Hill, the great business genius of the 20th century, created and elaborated on the subject in his book, Think and Grow Rich. But Top Practices was founded with this idea at its core—for a good reason. This simple concept is the very thing that allows most of our members to significantly grow their podiatry practices and manage that growth so effectively.
First things first: what is a Mastermind group, anyway? For any who don’t know, a Mastermind group is a regular gathering of two or more people in any business to offer their knowledge, creativity, intelligence and experience to each other so that everyone in the group can succeed. It’s not a class, a networking session, or a support group. It’s an opportunity for business people—or podiatrists, in Top Practices’ case—to meet regularly and discuss their challenges, brainstorm solutions, and implement those solutions together. It’s a game changer.
How does it work? The way Napoleon Hill described it, when two minds come together for a common purpose, their combination creates a “third mind,” or master mind. This is more common sense than you might think at first. It’s like the old saying, that “two minds are better than one.” Together you may come up with ideas neither of you would have imagined on your own.
Now, imagine if a group of the smartest, most successful podiatrists across the country put their minds together to discuss the challenges facing podiatry today, their marketing strategies, and practice management techniques. The potential is staggering. In some cases, it may completely change the way you run your practice! That is exactly why the Top Practices Mastermind Group exists.
We meet multiple times a month on a series of coaching calls and in small discussion groups to roll up our sleeves and learn from each other. No matter where you are in your practice, whether just starting or entering your third or fourth decade, you have something to bring to the table. If you want to see real growth in your practice, this is where you need to start. As Jim Rohn said, “You are the average of the five people you hang out with the most.” So spend time with the people who are trying to help you succeed.
If you’re serious about your practice growth and your own success, check out our Mastermind Group application. See just how serious we are about you, too. You can also contact us for more information on membership and about Top Practices in general. Just call us at (717) 725-2679 or send an e-mail to [email protected].