Do you have a vision for your organization? Vision, that is where you want to go. Now, if you do not have one, you need to really develop one. Without vision, there is no growth. Now, if you do have one, have you shared it with all of your team? Ask your team to articulate your organization's vision, to make sure everyone's on the same page.
I will tell you if you have 10 people in your company, you will get at least eight different answers. A vision will help your staff work for a common purpose. If you want to achieve your goals faster, you need to share your vision. So make it an exercise at your next staff meeting to sit down and share your team's vision, share your vision and see if you could get every single person on the same page and see if they will want to
come to your company every single day and develop a purpose and feel really, really important that they are achieving something, so at the end of the day, they feel accomplished. And that's what people want today. Your workforce wants to feel accomplished. So why don't you do that right away? And in the meantime, stay focused.