Hi, it's Tina. And I'm here with your one-minute management tip. An office manager asked me recently, how do you manage your staff? And that's kind of a tricky question because we don't really manage the people. What we manage are the systems in the practice. Now, the staff need to be trained in the job tasks that they are accountable for and responsible for and they need to be trained well.
They need to also understand how what they do affects the practice overall. This way they know the value that they have by every task that they do and the end effect it has on the profitability and efficiency of that practice. So what do we manage? We manage the systems, the systems that check all of the job tasks that everyone is doing. That we make sure that everything is collected, that can be collected, that the patients are served the way that they should be, that the practice is as profitable as it can be.
And that it's running as efficiently as it should be. If you have any questions on how to set up these systems, all you have to do is email me at [email protected] or Dr. Peter Wishnie at [email protected]. We'd be happy to help you. You take care out there and have a great day. Bye.