John Maxwell talks about growing with people. You want to grow. You want to grow your business, your practice, but you know what? You want to control everything. That is impossible. You cannot control everything and expect to be perfect in every single way, and still be able to grow and grow without added stress. In order to grow while giving yourself more time, more time freedom. You need to grow with people. Now people are wonderful, but it's really hard sometimes as you know, to find the right people and you need to do that, take the time to find the right people and develop them, grow with them, get to know them, become a family. That is the only time and the only time where you're going to be able to like, have that freedom in your practice that you really, really want.
And you'll see that there's more income coming in, more extra money coming in. And you will be able to do the things you love and you know what? The people around you will love you better too because you are growing them and getting them to be part of an organization that is growing and is growing because of them.
That's your one-minute focus. Your one-minute practice management tip. In the meantime, stay focused, my friends.