Hi, it's Tina, and I'm here with your one-minute management tip. Today, I'm going to talk about ways to give 

Now, not only employers to their staff, office managers to the staff, but staff to staff and to their employers and to their office managers. Everyone likes to be recognized and appreciated.

Being appreciated is one of the greatest gifts that we can give to one another. So let's talk about three different ways. We recently in the Virtual Practice Management Institute talked about this 'cause it's so important.  One is, of course, personal praise. You know, take time to tell each other, you know, "Wow, that was a great job that you did handling Mrs. Jones when she didn't want to make her co-payment." Or, you know what? "I noticed the office looks beautiful this morning. Thank you for really taking the time to clean up the waiting room." Or, "Thank you doctor for running on time. We really appreciate it because patients get upset in the waiting room when they have to wait."

When we tell each other what we appreciate about them and we recognize them, it makes us feel good. Now, the other one is to do this publicly. How could you do that? You know, have a bulletin board. I see offices all the time posting about the staff, the doctor, things that they like to do, their hobbies, their animals, it's their birthday.

Take time to publicly recognize so that your patients know a little bit more about the people in your practice that they see when they come each time. And the other one is to offer professional development. Everyone wants to grow, whether you think so or not, we really do. Now, give opportunities for the staff to continue their education, to become more knowledgeable in what podiatry is all about.

If you need some ideas, you can email me, but also if you're interested in taking a tour through the Virtual Practice Management Institute that has 47 modules on all different kinds of practice management topics, all you have to do is email me. Okay, email [email protected]. Well, I hope you take these tips as food for thought, and if I can help you, just email me.