It's a new year and the word we use a lot is "resolutions".
Hi, I'm Dr. Peter Wishnie and here's another One Minute Practice Management Tip. Resolution is a Latin word that means "to break down into simple components". This definition actually tells you how to achieve your yearly goals. Take these goals and break it down into quarterly goals. By the way, what a great book called The 12 Week Year. Then take these quarterly goals and break them down to weekly goals and even into daily goals.
Then each day, write down the one thing you had to do to get closer to these goals. And that is another great book by Gary Keller called The One Thing. If you do that one thing that you need to do every single day, you will see that 2019 will be Your Best Year Ever. And that is also another great book by Michael Hyatt.
So, stay focused my friends and do that one thing.