How Was the Mastermind Group Meeting?
"This was unbelievable. All the great ideas from around the room from, you know, other successful podiatrists just give us so much stuff that, you know, we can really fine-tune our practice with. Yeah. I felt it was invaluable and we're going home with so many great ideas and feeling re-energized and looking forward to implementing some changes."
How Has Being a Top Practices Member Affected Your Business?
"Yeah. It really has changed my mindset and to know like, what is possible. Cause I had no idea what we could do until I started talking with other members in the mindset groups and, and just hearing them. It just really opened up my eyes as what's possible. It definitely has changed our minds and, and moved us forward.
I think a lot quicker and a lot easier than, I don't know if we necessarily would've had without it."
Would You Recommend Top Practices?
"Absolutely. Definitely. No doubt in my mind."
Dr. John and Laura DePalma - Medford, New Jersey