People love to try to take shortcuts to get results faster. No one likes to wait. There are some things, however, that you simply shouldn’t cut short. Think about a round of antibiotics to eliminate an infection. No doctor tells a patient to quit taking antibiotics as soon as they feel better—no, the instructions are to finish the medication to make sure the infection really is dead. The medicine doesn’t work well unless it’s used properly. You could think of a book campaign the same way. Using a book in your internal marketing doesn’t work well if you use just the book and skip the rest. The book is only the starting place.
A book is incredibly valuable, of course. It makes for an excellent free offer. It’s something people tend to actually read and keep around, since books have a high perceived-value. It communicates that the person who wrote it knows what they’re talking about and actually put in time and effort. All of this makes people more willing to provide you with their contact information so you can put them into the list of people you connect with regularly.
But the book itself won’t convince someone to visit you in your office. People who are interested in what you have to say in your book get it because they, or someone they care about, have a problem that they haven’t decided what to do about just yet. They are looking for answers. While the book provides them with some of their answers, it doesn’t necessarily motivate them to act right then.
People spend months making the decision to act to solve their problems. They may still have your book, but they may not have it in front of them anymore, being constantly reminded that you can help. That is exactly why you need the follow-up campaign. By connecting with people regularly through informational, non-sales-y ways during the months they spend making the decision to get help, you become the doctor that stands out in their minds. You were the one who cared enough to keep in touch. You are the one they remember.
That is why it’s not enough to give people a book and trust they’ll come to see you. They aren’t ready to see you yet, and they’re still going to forget about you between now and they time they are ready for an appointment—unless you remind them that you care and can help them solve their problems. The campaign attached to the book is the way to do this. As I said before, the book is just the starting point for connecting with potential patients.
If you’d like to know more, just ask us. You can e-mail us at [email protected].