Talking about ways to change your practice and how you can succeed is just that—talk—if it doesn’t really work. However, we get to hear exactly how practice marketing and management has made a huge difference for our members, and we want to celebrate that with them. A little while ago, we highlighted the success of one of our members who has seen growth with his book campaign. Recently we heard from another Mastermind group member about significant practice growth: Dr. Richard Schorr of Palm Beach Podiatry in Florida.
Dr. Richard Schorr and his partner, Dr. David Feder, joined the Mastermind group at the 2014 Top Practices Annual Marketing and Management Summit. They had actually attended a different Top Practices Summit several years before, and while they enjoyed it, they didn’t really implement the changes they’d heard about at the conference.
After a while, they decided they really needed something to motivate them to do more for their practice, so they chose to attend Summit again. This time they wanted to soak up as much as they could and really commit to implementing it. They decided the best way to do this was to join the Mastermind group and start making changes right away—including a totally new website.
Since joining Top Practices, launching their new website, and making some changes around the practice, Dr. Richard Schorr reports a 30% increase in their finances. He says their motivation, mindset, and even their approach to seeing patients has changed:
“We were doing no marketing whatsoever before. So we started doing a little more just in town. We still haven’t even done a lot other than changing the website, which has helped. And also probably our [motivation changed], and the way that we see patients now. Just some tips we’d gotten from some of the lectures at the meeting, and ways to increase revenue—we’ve implemented some of those things. Most of the things that have increased our revenue to this point are…tips that we picked up at the meeting from different lecturers or Rem himself. It’s hard to say just one specific change.

Our entire team is thrilled for the growth at Palm Beach Podiatry. It’s an absolute privilege to be a part of it. As Dr. Schorr pointed out several times to us, the motivation to actually implement the changes makes all the difference in the world for success—and that’s why we have the Mastermind Group. As Dr. Schorr said, “When you know…you’re going to be talking to other people about [monthly accomplishments], it motivates you to keep going and not give up on things so easily.”
So congratulations to Palm Beach Podiatry on your successes so far! We look forward to continuing to see you grow. Top Practices members, be sure to pass on your own congrats to Dr. Richard Schorr and Dr. David Feder. If you’re not a member and you’d like to know more about our Mastermind group, just ask us. You can e-mail us at [email protected] or call us at (717) 725-2679.