We talk a lot at Top Practices about the strategies you can and should be using to market and grow your practice. We even recommend tools and offer services to help you achieve your goals. In the end, though, you want to know if any of this has helped a real doctor who is in the trenches of private practice every day. That’s why we’re highlighting one of our own Mastermind members, Dr. Evan Merrill. He’s had excellent success with his internal marketing with the use of our Top Practices book campaign
Dr. Evan Merrill is a podiatrist practicing at Southern Oregon Foot & Ankle in Medford, OR. He has been a Top Practices Mastermind group member for several years. He graciously agreed to share about his experiences with his Top Practices book campaign.
Dr. Merrill uses a running book as part of his internal marketing. He prominently displays the book on his website as a free offer. Contacts who sign up are immediately added to his fully-automated, targeted running campaign.
Dr. Merrill and his staff don’t limit themselves to the internet to build their database, though. They are heavily involved in local running events, including a large one every April called the Pear Blossom Run. In 2014 and 2015, they teamed up with their local YMCA to offer a free foot-screening clinic a month before the race. At this screening, they provided a sign-up for their running book to anyone who was interested. They also set up a book sign-up booth at the pre-race info packet pick-up. Between those two days in 2014, they saw somewhere from 90-100 individuals sign up for the book campaign.
Since then, the free online offer has continued to garner a few sign-ups a month. This may not sound like much, but as more and more people have joined this slow-drip database campaign, Dr. Merrill and his team have started seeing new patients who come to the practice after reading the book. As he put it:
“With books you don’t really receive a phone call the next day…so we’ve seen people more over the last year kind of trickle in. We’ll ask, well, how did you find out about us? Some will specifically say, well, I got your book.”
One long-distance runner even commented to Dr. Merrill through social media that he found the other material in the campaign—specifically the CD—very helpful for his own running health care.
Our whole team at Top Practices is thrilled to see the success that Dr. Merrill has had in his internal marketing and his practice as a whole. As Dr. Merrill points out, the process isn’t just “giving a book out and that’s it.” The months of follow-up do make a difference. And after using his campaign he highly recommends the program to other podiatrists. If you’d like to know more about the book campaigns, send us a message at [email protected] or call us at (717) 725-2679.