Hi, I’m Dr. Peter Wishnie, and here is your One Minute Practice Management Tip. Today’s word is consistency. What do successful people do that other people don’t? They’re consistent in their routines. You know a lot of people don’t like routines – they consider them boring. But you know what? Being consistent makes you better at doing something. It makes you better at your diet, at your eating schedule, working out. . . working out on a certain day or a certain time of the week. Preparing for the week ahead the day before, preparing for the month, or just preparing for your staff meetings. It allows you to be more flexible – that’s what routines allow you to do.
It allows for emergency situations by putting them in your schedule. Being consistent allows you to be better at something. If you don’t like doing videos, do more of them! If you don’t like writing your blogs? Just sit down and keep doing it daily. After about a couple weeks, it becomes a routine and you become better at it. So, my friends, stay focused and see you soon. Until next time.