I was sitting in Barnes & Noble and I saw an old man sitting in his wheelchair reading a book titled, How Not to Die.
I find it very sad, and as we age, the number one thing we think of is dying. I'm sitting and thinking, what kind of life did this man have? Was it fulfilled? Did he achieve his biggest goals? And did most of his dreams come true?
According to Napoleon Hill in his famous book, Think & Grow Rich, our biggest fear is the fear of dying. I can't truly tell you if dying will be on our mind when I get older, but I do know my biggest fear is dying without reaching my full potential.
We have only one life and we are here to enjoy it to its fullest. Let's use our time on this earth wisely. Keep your mind and body healthy. Love everyone around you and help people along the way.
Stay focused, my friends. Dr. Wishnie. Have a nice day.