Welcome to our one minute management tip - my name is Tina Del Buono. I get the opportunity to be able to talk with medical practices all over the country and I hear a common theme going through many of them. Do you know what it is? They just want to survive. They talk about wanting to make it through this month, ‘I just want to be able to collect enough. I’m hoping that we meet meaningful use. I hope we understand value-based medicine. How are we going to survive the Affordable Care Act?’ Everything is done in a negative. That’s a really poor environment to be working in. You know what? We don’t just want to survive, we want to succeed, and we can do that every single day that we come to our practice. We can bring a positive attitude with us. We can help one another. We can help our patients. We get wonderful opportunities to meet people in our communities and make a difference in their lives. We can succeed and our practices can grow and flourish by the attitudes that we have and that we bring every day to share with those who we encounter. You know what? We don’t need to be negative and just survive. We are going to be positive and we are going to succeed. So join with me and bring that positive attitude to your practice every single day.