Hi, Rem Jackson here. Since 2007, I have been sharing with podiatrists, the concept that people have questions, and if you can answer those questions in the form of a book that they will consider you to be the authority. And when they finally decide they're going to take action on those problems, or questions, or concerns that they have,
they will call you. We produce a variety of books on heel pain, running, diabetes, fungal toenails, neuropathy, and more. All marketing tools that we can seamlessly put together for you. That also are coordinated online. We can do it both ways. We found that both of them work now. And so, it just becomes this tool that allows you to open up so many doors of people that are just searching for information.
And they're looking at you, they're looking at the other doctor, or three or five others, and you're the only one that says, "Hey, here's something that might help you." Let us help you understand and learn how the concept of book marketing inside all the rest that we do, all the digital marketing and everything, all four of the pillars, how it really becomes an essential tool for you.
Call the number on the screen or come to the website. Find out more. Let us help you. Thanks.