E-mail and snail-mail campaigns for your marketing database come in many forms! In the Top Practices e-mail marketing program, campaigns can include new patient messages, birthday e-mails, one-time e-mail blasts, and more. The most commonly used—and some of the most successful—are recall campaigns and book campaigns.
Recall campaigns are used to help you stay connected to patients who have been seen in your office for specific conditions or services. They help keep people informed about ongoing care, as well as remind them to keep up with or schedule any follow-up appointments that are a bit further out in the future. Typically, these include things like custom orthotics, diabetic health, fungal treatments, and anything that needs care over an extended period of time. Our e-mail marketing program has a number of these recall campaigns ready to be customized for your unique practice and set up for your database.
Book campaigns provide a long-term follow-up for people who have requested a free book offer from your practice. It uses multiple mediums (physical letters, e-mails, postcards, and CDs) to provide continuing health information and education related to the free book they received. It also encourages people to contact your office if they have any pain or issues like the ones in your book so they can get an appointment. This is a great tool for building a relationship with potential patients.
There are plenty of options for campaigns for your marketing database. These are excellent tools that have already helped many doctors bring more patients back to their offices. If you’d like to learn more about how to make the most of your marketing database, or about the e-mail marketing program in general, contact us! You can e-mail [email protected] or call (717) 725-2679.