Hey, docs. Are you afraid to look at your numbers in 2020? Well, I don't blame you, but you really need to look at them. And they're very important. They will tell you a story.
Now, a lot of people say, I don't want to look at my numbers. They're not doing so well and I get it. But I want you to look at your numbers from here on in, and compare them to the same month of 2019. Because you know what? If you have the right mindset and you plan properly, you can increase your numbers for the second half of the year. So maybe like 5%, 10%, 15, 20, even 30%. Only, if you can relax and know that you don't have the answers. Or if you know that you don't even know that you have the answers, if you relax your creative mind will find the answers for you. But will never find these answers, if you are feeling so stressed out.
So, do whatever you can to relax, but plan. Look at your numbers and you know what your numbers will grow. If you don't have a goal for July, August, September, and the rest of the year, you're just going to try to coast them. When you're trying to coast, those numbers are going to be really bad. And you gonna say, you know what, I'm just going to wait for 2021. This is the year. And this last half of the year, you could actually salvage and make it an amazing six months.
So that's my homework for you, to write down your six-month goals and make it a great year. In the meantime, stay focused and have a great day.