When you speak to your patients about their conditions, you generally recommend a treatment protocol that you and they will follow together to get their health restored. That plan most likely includes multiple steps and clinical methodologies to achieve the desired health goal. You explain to your patients the importance of following the entire protocol, and you explain that if they follow it in its entirety, they will experience the maximum benefit.
You also know that many of them won’t follow it. They will often only follow through on part of the total protocol and that as their pain begins to alleviate, they will simply go back to their regular routine. You know that they won’t achieve the optimum results and will most likely be returning to you and reporting that what you recommended wasn’t effective. It’s frustrating for everyone involved and it’s very common.
Same with your marketing
You see, every professional practice in the country has a similar challenge: a need to see more patients, more of the “perfect patient” that they want to see walking in the door. The “treatment protocol” for this is to implement a marketing plan that is comprehensive and that includes an integrated approach in multiple areas. Those multiple areas are the Four Pillars of marketing. We implement these pillars at Top Practices because I want my doctors to have healthy, growing practices that sustain them and empower them to serve their patients optimally.
At Top Practices, we practice Information Marketing. A simple concept – people will make better decisions about their health if they are better informed. Top Practices members offer their patients, and their prospective patients, information that answers the questions that are keeping them up at night. Information they care about intensely because they are worried about their health or the health of a loved one.
By joining Top Practices, we help you execute your marketing plan in Four Major Areas. The Four Pillars of Professional Practice Marketing. Learn about the Four Pillars and how you can implement them in your practice next week.