Are you stuck in a rut? Do you find yourself wondering whether having the practice you dream about is truly attainable? Marketing a podiatry practice can be difficult – but it doesn’t have to be. One of the best ways to learn is to follow in the footsteps of others.
At the 2014 Top Practices Marketing and Management Summit, you can learn from a team of highly successful podiatrists, led by Rem Jackson, CEO of Top Practices.
It’s called the Top Practices Practice Transformation Marketing Workshop.
In this high-energy session, you will hear how successful doctors have used the Top Practice Marketing and Management Methods to defy the skeptics and transform their practices. They will literally be opening up their files to explain exactly how you can grow your practice.
In the past seven years, Top Practices has coached hundreds of doctors as they used the Top Practices Marketing Plan to transform their practices. This new workshop is designed to lay out, in a detailed, step-by-step approach, how the most successful Top Practices members have transformed their marketing in all four of the Top Practices Marketing Pillars – Web, Referral, Internal, and External.
- Internet Marketing: Top Practices’ very best doctors show you how they exploded their Internet marketing. After this workshop you will realize that you have barely tapped into the potential of the Internet to fill your reception room with exactly the kind of patients you want.
- Referral Marketing: Some Top Practice doctors have changed the rules in this area and are now getting more referrals than ever. It is not true that this is drying up because of hospitals and networks. In this part of the workshop we will prove it. Guaranteed.
- Internal Marketing: Using your Database. Find out how to drastically improve your internal marketing without breaking the bank to do it.
- Marketing to the Community: (External Marketing or Advertising) Our doctors have been blowing the doors off of these strategies in the last 12 months and they will be showing you how it is done, with style.
The Top Practices Marketing and Management Summit happens only once a year and this year it is in Arlington VA on September 12th, 13th, and 14th.