Marketing a podiatry practice has come a long way in the last decade. Ten years ago, people were asking very different questions: do I really need a website? Is marketing on the internet truly worth my time and investment? What about the Yellow Pages?
At that time, the world was only months away from the Great Recession. The very first smart phone had only just been announced. More and more homes were connected to the web, but social media was still in its earliest stages. Facebook and YouTube were both new. Platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest didn't exist. Most websites were static and infrequently updated.
It was in this very different world that Rem Jackson set out to help podiatrists grow their practices through effective marketing. Since then, strategies like the Four Pillars and support through the Mastermind group have set podiatrists across North America and even Australia on paths to transform their practices.
A lot has changed over the last decade. Doctors everywhere understand the importance of having a high-quality website regularly updated with relevant information for their patients and people who may be looking for their services. Smart phones and social media are now an enormous part of most people's daily lives, making them an important part of marketing. Strategies for building up your referral networks and other community outreach programs have evolved. Using cultivated lists and a database of patients are increasingly valuable ways to build relationships and maintain contact with patients. Practices are able to establish campaigns and other programs to nurture those lists and increase rates of reactivations and referrals.
While a lot changes in a decade, some things do stay the same. Relationships are still central to practicing medicine. Podiatrists still struggle with burnout, aren't sure how to invest in effective methods for growing their practice that actually produced results, and deal with common management issues. That is exactly why Rem Jackson created Top Practices. He realized teaching podiatrists how to market effectively through the four pillars could help doctors take their practices to the next level and achieve their goals.
These days, Rem Jackson's Top Practices approach to marketing for podiatry is one of the best and most effective methods out there. That's why we are the leading company in podiatry marketing. Rem continues to speak about the Top Practices approach at various AAPPM meetings, state associations, and other conferences around North America. We've helped hundreds of doctors achieve their goals and grow to new heights year over year. And we can help you, too.
These days, opportunities for podiatrists to succeed and grow their practices to reach new heights are so vastly superior to what they were even 10 years ago, any practice should be able to have their waiting room full with the kinds of patients you want to see. At this point, the only thing standing in your own way is yourself and the marketing knowledge you don't have—yet.
You can learn. And you can improve your practice with the right plans and approach.
If you have any questions about the Top Practices approach to marketing a podiatry practice, or how Rem Jackson and our team of experts can help you take your practice to the next level, contact us! You can reach us by calling (717) 626-2025 or [email protected].