At the Top Practices Marketing and Management Summit in Arlington, VA on September 12th, 13th, & 14th I will be leading the Top Practices Goal Setting Workshop.

Top Practices Summer Goal-Setting Workshop

In this workshop, attendees will work together with Rem and in small groups to complete high quality goals for 2015. Each participant will bring copies of their already completed goal worksheets to share with attendees in their small groups. Together, we will improve and refine our goals until they are excellent. Each attendee will leave with at least 10 samples of real goals, and Rem will be sharing the very best goals he has seen
with the entire group from the main stage. It’s time (it’s actually past time) to get your goals (YOUR COMPASS) completed and serving you, your family, your team, and your patients.

In preparation for this session, I’m conducting a six-session goal setting course for the attendees of the Top Practices Summit. The goal is to have everyone’s goals 100% completed BEFORE they even arrive at the Summit so that they can spend the workshop time refining their goals and seeing many examples of goals that other doctors and their staff have produced. When the Summit workshop is completed the attendees should have the best goal plans of their careers and lives.

The big news is that this 6-week course is available to all podiatrists and their staffs at no cost.  I believe in goal setting SO much that I want everyone to participate in this exercise. Here is how to participate:

1. Download the New Top Practices Goals Worksheets

2. Block out the following dates on your calendar to be on the calls. All times are EASTERN.

3. On the date/time of each subsequent call, dial 1-559-726-1300 and use Passcode: 744107# to get on the call live.  

If you miss the call live, you can call 1-559-726-1399 and use the passcode 744107# to listen to the recording until the next session replaces it.

Session #1 is AVAILABLE NOW for everyone: “The Deceptively Simple Yet Extremely Powerful Program to Get Organized” 

All you need to do to get started is call 1-559-726-1399 and use Passcode: 744107#. The first session has already been recorded and is waiting for you to access it 24/7. This will stay there until the second session is recorded live and replaces it. The second session will be available at this number until the third session replaces it. See how it works?

If you are a Top Practices Member, the first session is already in the Top Practices Library in the category titled “The Top Practices Goal Setting Workshop”. This is password protected and for Top Practices Members only. It will always be available there for access.

Session #2: June 24th at 12PM EASTERNFind Your One Thing

Session #3: July 8th at 12 PM EASTERN:  Writing Your Goals

Session #4: July 22nd at 12PM EASTERN :  Writing Your Goals Part Two and Q&A

Session #5: August 5th at 12PM EASTERN: Your 12 Week Plans

Session #6: August 26 at 12PM EASTERN:  Your Action Plan 

The Final Session is on September 13th in Live and in Person in Arlington VA at the Top Practices Summit.  If you’re not registered you need to FIX that, now! 

If you are a Top Practices Member you will be able to access all of these session recordings at any time by logging into the Top Practices Member Library. Go to the section entitled “The Top Practices Goal Setting Workshop”. If you are not a Top Practices Member, you must be on these calls live or call the number before the next session starts to participate. Just one of the benefits of membership! :-)

Attendees of the Top Practices Summit will be able to participate in the Top Practices Goal Setting Workshop with over 200 of your colleagues and improve your goals and plans significantly. If you want to compare and contrast and see how the Top Practices in the country are doing their goals and achieving them you’ve got to come to the Summit.

It is simply not possible to achieve the success you desire if you don’t have a plan. Think of it like this:  If you asked someone to plan out a journey from New York City to Los Angeles and they left out parts of the plan that left you wondering where you were you wouldn’t be very happy with them would you.  Not having goals for your Business, and your Finances, and your personal life, and your health, and the fun you want to squeeze out of life is the same as finding yourself somewhere between New York and LA without a map.  You will get somewhere, but not where you want to go. 

Take advantage of this opportunity to get your plan in place and be sure to attend the Top Practices Summit in September to take this to the highest level.

Download the Goal worksheets right away and get this on your calendar to have the best possible summer, fall, and 2015!

Rem Jackson
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Founder and CEO of Top Practices, LLC
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