Right now things are still very uncertain. New information comes out weekly, daily, hourly. Coping is difficult for everyone. That is why it’s extremely important to stick to a routine in times like these. Maybe your area is being hit hard and you’re being asked to stay indoors or extremely limit operation. Or maybe you’re in a state that only has a few confirmed cases and you’re staying open (and sanitizing everything like crazy). Whatever your situation at the moment it’s important to stay as calm as you can and continue working on your marketing.
What Can You Do?
If you’re stuck inside at home it’s still important to continue working on your marketing. This pandemic won’t last forever and you want to make sure that you are still appealing to your database and keeping up with your social media presence. Right now the 4 pillars of marketing are more important than ever and you can continue to boost them all even from at home. Here are some ideas:
- Start daily discussion topics on your social media platforms. Social distancing can feel lonely and having a place to talk about what you’re doing, thinking, and feeling can be very beneficial to your patients.
- Put your patients’ minds at ease by outlining every single thing you’re doing to protect yourself and them from COVID-19. We know medical emergencies are still happening and doctors might not have the luxury of taking time away. Are you offering hand sanitizer to every person who walks through the door? Are you staggering office visits so people are coming into contact with each other less? Draft an email and send it to your list. Post this information all over social media.
- Put together a list of resources, especially for those patients of yours who might be older or living alone. This can include any special shopping hours that you know of for people over the age of 65, a link to the websites for the CDC and WHO as guidelines change rapidly, even ideas for keeping your brain and body sharp while you’re at home. Again, email this to your entire list.
- Also try to keep some things more lighthearted. Start a weekly gratitude campaign (Thankful Thursday, The Pets of Your Patients gallery, how you are using this time to spend with your family), where people can share things they are grateful for. It will give a sense of community while also reminding people that even though things are difficult, we can still take a moment to count our blessings.
- Use this time for getting projects done: action plans, training plans, protocol, systems, and more
- Make sure you attack your accounts receivable and get paid for everything you should be receiving. Then stay current.
We all feel much better when we act, and there is a lot of action you can take right now. You need to be prepared because in very short order your practice will be filled with patients again. Probably more than you’ve ever seen in your entire career. Are you ready for that? If yes, great! If no, then now is the time to get ready.
The only way we will get through this is together; looking out for one another. It’s a tough time both for our physical health but also financially and economically. Keeping up with your online presence will give your followers a sense of calmness and rationality. The world isn’t ending and we must keep strong together. If you have any more questions please visit our website at www.toppractices.com, email us at [email protected], or call us at (717) 626-2025. Stay safe and stay healthy. We appreciate each and every one of you.