Rem Jackson, CEO of Top Practices, Tina Del Buono, Practice Management Expert, and Dan Totaro, MA, MFT Certified Compassion Fatigue Educator share strategies you can use to effectively deal with the burnout and fatigue many doctors and their staff are experiencing. 

This webinar covers the following issues: 

  • Many practices had to close their doors for several weeks (or longer) reducing their income and that of their employees.
  • A lot of offices lost employees because they had to stay at home to take care of children with no daycare.
  • Offices that have lost employees are having a hard time finding new employees during this time.
  • Many offices have not recovered patient numbers back prior to COVID and money is tighter than ever. Primary care physicians are keeping patients because their numbers are low and the organizations that own many of them are asking that they only refer out emergent cases.
  • Some hospitals have closed their smaller surgery centers and therefore some podiatrists are having a hard time getting surgery time because their cases are considered elective.
  • Now that most areas are vaccinating medical staff there are some staff that are refusing to get the vaccine which makes for difficult situations with coworkers and patients who want to know if everyone in the office has been vaccinated. We have not had employment law issues like this before and do not know what employer/employee rights are in this situation or how to handle them.
  • Many of our offices have been affected by the deaths of either family members, friends, or patients from COVID.
  • Some physicians have described feeling like every day is Groundhog Day and it is hard to stay positive and keep everyone's spirits up as well.
  • Doctors are asking how others are coping during this time with burnout or how do they know the difference between burnout and fatigue?