Finding balance in our lives is never easy. Not for any of us. Yet, some people seem to have figured it out. They’ve cracked the code. And if you listen carefully they often try to share how they did it so we can follow their path to prosperity and balance.
My guest on this episode is Dr. Neil Baum. Dr. Neil Baum is a professor of Clinical Urology at Tulane Medical School in New Orleans, Louisiana. He is also the author of Marketing Your Clinical Practice: Ethically, Effectively, and Economically. It is a classic and required reading for anyone who wants to effectively market a medical practice. It’s sold over 200,000 copies and has been translated into Spanish. All in total he has written ten books on practice management and the business of medicine and authored or co-authored over 250 articles that have appeared in peer-reviewed medical publications. I had the privilege of collaborating with him on an article about practice marketing several years ago.
I’ve known Neil for over 30 years and have never had a chance to hear his thoughts about balance and prosperity. It turns out, he has given it a lot of thought.
Recommended Books:
Marketing Your Clinical Practice: Ethically, Effectively, Economically
The 1-Page Marketing Plan
Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art
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