18th Annual Summit Opening Session

The Top Practices Summit opens with an information-packed, high-energy session led by Top Practices Founder and CEO, Rem Jackson, and the most successful Top Practices doctors. Your chosen profession is a key to achieving prosperity, which is something much greater than success. Operating a podiatry practice (or any small business) is not for the faint of heart. There are great challenges facing everyone (not just podiatrists). In fact, the failure rate is staggering for small business startups in the first five years. Podiatry practices typically don’t fail at anywhere near this rate, but thriving is a very different situation than surviving and struggling day-to-day. Why then, do a small few of us seem to thrive and love our work while most of us just can’t break the cycle and are left with too much work, too little time, too much stress, and burnout?

There are answers. There are strategies, tools, and tactics that will forever allow you to build an incredible team and reclaim your personal life while earning significantly more money.Rem Jackson

In this opening session, Rem and Top Practices doctors who have “cracked the code” share how you can accomplish all of this. It all starts here. You CAN do this.

Be sure your travel plans make it possible for you to be in your seat and ready when the conference opens at 5:30 PM. This is one of the most anticipated sessions at the Summit and will set the pace for your next 12 months.


Saturday Session

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM


Dan BuettnerWe are all starting to understand how the breakthroughs in AI are changing our lives in small yet significant ways. There is hype, of course, about AI and some downright misinformation, but it IS TRUE that all of us will be using AI in many aspects of our lives and those of us who are proactive and willing to learn and adapt in business will have a competitive edge on those who aren't willing. How do you make sense of it all? How do you evaluate and implement what you need and not get distracted by all the rest.

Dave Frees is a highly successful Trusts and Estates Attorney in Pennsylvania and an adept early adopter of ideas and technologies (including AI). He returns to the Top Practices Summit for the third time (his second keynote) and shares how you and your team can use AI now and, in the future, to save time and money, increase your patient outcomes, and to augment everything you do in ways that can reduce the stress and calm the chaos. As disruptive as AI is and will be, podiatrists are extremely well positioned to use it to let them focus on their patients like never before while dramatically increasing the profitability of their business.




Break and Visit with Exhibitors

Saturday Morning Session



Summit Presentations

Saturday Afternoon Break

Saturday Roundtables

Sinek's quote on teamsDoctor, you will never become as successful as you can become with- out your team. Not even close. No one can do this alone. Your team wants (so desperately wants) to work in a place that allows them to truly serve others and grow personally. What comes to mind when you read Simon Sinek’s quote? On a scale of 1 to 10, where does your team fall? Are they a high-performing group of people who trust each other? When this workshop is over you will have the answers you need to be able to return home, and with your staff, build a team you can all rate at 10. A team – a group of people who trust each other. You and your staff are going to love this.



Networking Party

Summit on Sunday


Top Practices Protocol/Scripting Workshop

8:30–10:00 Last year’s protocol workshop was so popular we are extending the topic. This year attendees will collaborate with the expert presenter panel to discuss, model, and improve comprehensive clinical protocols for top diagnoses. This was the top requested workshop from last year. Buckle up!

How to Drastically Increase Your Profits Using Dispensing and Ancillaries

10:30–12:00 When you dispense products and offer cash services two things happen:
• Patient Outcomes Increase
• Profits Increase
What you may never have really examined is how much they both increase and it will likely surprise you. Really surprise you. In this workshop we will examine the role dispensing and additional services (often cash pay) can play in generating significant increases in both outcomes and profits. Our expert panel will be sharing how they’ve accomplished this and teach strategies you can use to do the same.

Advanced Marketing Workshop

1:30–3:00 This session is for doctors and staff who have been marketing at a high-level. Advanced tools, apps, strategies, tactics, AI apps will be shared. A high-level of expertise and knowledge is assumed in this workshop. Not for first-timers or teams that are learning. (See First-Time/Beginner Marketing Workshop in Track Two.)


How to Hit the Ground Sprinting on Monday and Make the Next 12 Months Your Best Ever

3:00–3:30 Rem brings everyone together for a final message and strategy-filled final session.


Registration Form


Ultimate Medical Staff Roundtables

8:30–10:00 This year staff members will collaborate with an expert presenter panel to discuss, model, and improve their ability to assist and support their doctors with patient care and time management. Staff members who attend this session always say, “I wish our doctors could hear what we are saying here.” So, the ideas shared and discussed in this session will be compiled into an online webinar that will be shared after the Summit so that their doctors can watch with them and get the benefit of knowing not only the challenges they are facing, but how THEY believe they can help. This can be attended live, and the recording will also be available on the Summit Resources webpage.

The Office Manager Mini MBA

10:30–12:00 Between a rock and a hard place - that’s where Office Managers/ Administrators live each and every day. This year Office Managers will collaborate with an expert presenter panel to discuss, model, and improve their skills in:
• Financial Management
• How to Calculate and Track Key Performance Indicators
• How to Manage their Doctors (skills to managing your boss)
• And much more...

First-Time/Beginner Marketing Workshop

1:30–3:00 In this session, attendees learn how to get their four-pillar marketing program started and producing. Multiple topics in Internet Marketing Basics, Referral (shoe leather) Marketing Basics, Internal and External Marketing Basics. All questions will be answered and attendees will leave with a checklist to build their marketing correctly step-by-step.

How to Hit the Ground Sprinting on Monday and Make the Next 12 Months Your Best Ever

3:00–3:30 Rem brings everyone together for a final message and strategy-filled final session.


Registration Form


Marketers Mastermind Meeting

8:30–10:00 The marketers in Top Practices have a mastermind call via Zoom every month and the results are excellent. Marketers bring their challenges, ideas, and questions to the meeting each month. This is our in-person chance to hash it all out face-to-face. We bring no agenda, and the group leads the discussion. If you are a veteran you know to be at this session. If you are brand new, this is exactly where you should be. Nothing else is like it.

AI, Apps, Online Tools, Websites, Blogs, Podcasts, and More…

10:30–12:00 This session is exclusively focused on sharing and discussing tools, apps, websites, blogs, resources, podcasts, AI apps, and more that marketers are using to raise their game, make things easy, and explode the practice's patient volume. Bring your favorite tool – we want to see it! An expert panel will lead the workshop.

Top Practices Staff Only Session

1:30–3:00 Doctors and Managers not allowed – with all due respect. This is a chance for the staff to work through issues on their minds with an expert panel to learn and brainstorm solutions to the challenges they face back at their offices. This is a solutions-only session!

How to Hit the Ground Sprinting on Monday and Make the Next 12 Months Your Best Ever

3:00–3:30 Rem brings everyone together for a final message and strategy-filled final session.


Note About the End of Summit

Registration Form


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