Sometimes you just need some help learning how your team can effectively use the essential software and marketing platforms we use in Top Practices. Simply having a teacher show you how to use our commonly used tools for an hour (or three) is all you and your team may need to become self-sufficient and save thousands of dollars a year.


Marketing Technologies
Private Training Sessions from Top Practices

Introducing Top Practices Marketing Technologies Private Training Sessions led by Michele Beckwith, the resident expert on all the systems we recommend and use ourselves here at Top Practices.

These are 1-hour 1:1 video training Zoom sessions.

This training is ideal for you if:

  • You have recently switched to Ontraport and want a walkthrough and guidance on its capabilities and how to manage your account.
  • You or a staff member need to become an expert at using the Top Practices Marketing Calendar which was built by Michele herself.
  • You need direction in how to fill your marketing calendar by repurposing your content for different platforms.
  • You want to kick-up your social media graphics a notch without the huge learning curve of Adobe Photoshop using programs like Canva to create stunning social media graphics.
  • You need a system to manage your online content and workflow. Michele can teach you how to set up a workflow using your cloud storage solution of choice (Dropbox / Google Drive).
  • And much more. Have a tech question? Ask Michele.

Here is how simple it is:

Book the number of hours you need to accomplish your goals (typically 1-3 hours)

Schedule Your Training Call: You will receive a link to Michele's calendar to schedule 60-minutes of time (or more) together to walk-through systems and answer your questions.

Pre-Session Questionnaire:  You will receive a brief questionnaire to maximize your time together and to give Michele a sneak peek into how she can best help you.

Post Call: You will receive a copy of the recorded call, as well as notes and links to valuable resources you need for your next step.


Here are some of the programs and platforms you can learn. 


Ontraport is an all-in-one, business automation software, that incorporates features like CRM, Email Marketing, Landing Pages, and Marketing Automation.

Topics we can discuss:

Overview of Ontraport - Learn Ontraport basics


  • Administrator Settings
  • Dashboard
  • Contacts
  • Campaigns
  • Tasks
  • Sales
  • Pages
  • Systems


CRM - Your Customer Relationship Management is a place to store and organize all of your contacts. Create groups based on lead source, engagement, and contact demographics to send targeted messages with highly relevant information.

Organize your database so that it is relevant to your practice.

  • Customizing your contact view
  • List View vs Card View
  • Quick View vs. Detailed View
  • Creating and customizing fields, sections, and tabs
  • Importing and exporting contacts
  • Creating and updating contact records
  • Creating and adding tags to contacts
  • Segmenting your contacts into groups
  • Finding and merging duplicate contact records


Emails - Your email marketing works best when it is organized and relevant to your contacts.

Learn how to use professionally designed templates or create custom templates that align with your practice’s branding. 

  • Using the Simple Email editor
  • Using the OntraMail editor
  • Sending one-off emails and email broadcasts
  • Adding merge fields
  • Adding attachments and images
  • Creating tracked links
  • Customizing unsubscribe footers
  • Setting up double-opt-in email template


Landing Pages & Forms - With landing pages and forms you can house your offers and collect the exact information you want from website visitors.

Create landing pages and custom forms with the goal of converting leads to patients.

  • Navigating the canvas and palette editors
  • Editing blocks and elements
  • Inserting and embedding videos
  • Designing and publishing a landing page
  • Creating ONTRAforms and Smart Forms


Campaign Mapping - Use campaigns to set the criteria to automate your marketing processes.

Learn how to build campaigns for powerful automation strategies

  • Campaign builder elements
    • Goals
    • Triggers
    • Actions
    • Waits
    • Filters
  • Installing a pre-built campaign
  • Creating an automated campaign


Tasks - Use task automation to deliver great patient service to your current and potential patients


Marketing Analytics - Always know what’s working with real-time reporting

  • Dashboard
  • Email, landing pages, and campaign performance tracking
  • Lead source tracking

Social Media

In recent years, social media has shifted from mostly entertainment to a necessity for businesses. It can be hard to keep up-to-date with new features and constant changes. Thankfully, there are a bunch of tools out there to make online marketing easier for us all. But with a wealth of tech tools available, how do you evaluate which is best for your practice? And then, how do I use them?

  • Learn how to set up your profiles correctly
  • Receive guidance and training on selecting and using your social media scheduler
  • Learn how to properly use the Top Practices Marketing Calendar to make sure your social media presence isn't neglected
  • Learn how to use your current content to create multiple social media posts



Design social media graphics, presentations, and more with thousands of professionally designed templates.

Canva is an online, graphic design tool that was made for those who don't have extensive design experience. The platform makes branding easy with its drag-and-drop feature. You can even upload your own photos and add them to your design. 

Canva has a wide variety of templates that can be optimized for specific sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Instagram.



Content Management Workflow

Sending and tracking content such as videos, blog posts, and graphics can be cumbersome. Have you ever sent a file or attachment by email and no one could later find it (including you!)?

Having a system or workflow in place can help navigate all of the steps needed to take your marketing strategy from just an idea to completion. A marketing workflow is simply a series of steps followed. It helps to keep the team on the same page and avoid communication breakdowns and missed deadlines.

Marketing Technologies
Private Training Sessions Pricing